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为拓宽本地棉花种质基因库,筛选适于作杂交亲本的种质资源,以134份国外棉花种质为试验材料,研究了其主要品质与农艺性状的变异情况、遗传多样性指数、品质性状间的相关性,并以主要农艺与品质性状为指标,对134份种质进行了聚类分析和主成分分析。结果表明,纤维品质性状中整齐度指数的遗传多样性指数(5.16)最高,马克隆值的变异系数(11.96%)最大,农艺性状中霜前衣分的遗传多样性指数(5.42)最高,不孕籽率的变异系数(49.18%)最大,参试种质的遗传多样性丰富;整齐度指数与上半部平均长度、断裂比强度均呈极显著正相关,断裂比强度与上半部平均长度间也呈极显著正相关;10个农艺性状和5个品质性状的主成分分析结果表明,前6个主成分的累计贡献率达75.277%;Ward法聚类将134份参试种质按品质性状分为5类,其中第Ⅱ类群的35份种质棉纤维品质性状表现最好,按农艺性状分为3类,其中第Ⅰ类群的58份种质产量最高。通过综合35份纤维品质优异的种质与58份农艺性状优异的种质筛选出美1870、美1884、FM1830等14份品质与产量俱佳的优异种质。 In order to broaden the local cotton germplasm bank and screen the germplasm resources suitable for the hybrid parents, 134 foreign cotton germplasms were used as the experimental materials to study the variation of the main quality and agronomic traits, the genetic diversity index, the quality traits According to the main agronomic and quality traits, 134 germplasms were clustered and analyzed by principal component analysis. The results showed that the index of genetic diversity (5.16) was the highest in uniformity indices of fiber quality traits, the coefficient of variation of micronaire (11.96%) was the largest, and the genetic diversity index (5.42) of agronomic characters was highest in agronomic traits. The coefficient of variation of pregnant seed rate was the largest (49.18%), and the genetic diversity of the tested germplasm was rich. The uniformity index had a significant positive correlation with the average length of the upper half and the fracture strength, The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between the length and the length of the germplasm. The principal component analysis of 10 agronomic traits and 5 quality traits showed that the cumulative contribution rate of the first 6 principal components was 75.277%. Ward clustering The quality traits were divided into five categories. Among them, the 35 kinds of cotton fiber quality traits of the second group showed the best, which were divided into three categories according to the agronomic traits. Among them, the first group had the highest yield of 58 germplasm. Through the synthesis of 35 fiber quality germplasm and 58 high quality agronomic traits screening of the United States 1870, the United States 1884, FM1830 and other 14 excellent quality and yield superior germplasm.
A、B、C三人的年龄一直是一个秘密。将A的年龄数字的位置对调一下,就是B的年龄;C的年龄的两倍是A与B两个年龄的差;而B的年龄是C的10倍。  请问:A、B、C三人的年龄各是多少?
本研究依托“第三次全国农作物种质资源普查与收集行动”,利用巢式PCR(Nested PCR)检测技术,对从湖南各地区采集的甘薯种质资源进行甘薯曲叶病毒的调查、检测、统计与分析,获