“黄十字”——芥子气 1917年7月12日午夜刚过,英法联军据守的伊普尔阵地就遭到德军的猛烈炮击。伴随着炮弹的爆炸声,空气中开始弥漫一阵阵令人窒息刺鼻的芥末气味。很快,士兵们开始剧烈的咳嗽呕吐起来,尽管他们马上戴上防毒面具,但情况并没有好转。随着天光大亮,许多人眼睛由于剧痛而开始失明,皮肤上出现大面积的水泡,种种惨状目不忍睹。在此后六个星期内,先后有2万多名英法士兵伤亡。造成这种恶果的罪魁祸首就是被德军称为“黄十字”的芥子气。 1886年,德国化学家维克多·梅耶在指导他的学生俄
“Yellow Cross ” - mustard gas Just after midnight on July 12, 1917, the British and French troops at the Ipil position were subjected to violent shelling by the German troops. Accompanied by the explosions of the shells, the air started to burst intoxicating mustard odor. Soon, the soldiers began to cough and vomit violently. Although they immediately put on their gas masks, the situation did not improve. As the sky shines, many people begin to lose sight of their eyes due to sharp pain. Large blisters appear on the skin, which are unbearable. Over the next six weeks, more than 20,000 British and French soldiers were killed or injured. The culprit responsible for this evil result is the mustard gas that the Germans call the “yellow cross.” In 1886, German chemist Victor Mayer was guiding his student Russia