
来源 :青年文学家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kent10211021
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本文力求通过对《诗经》语气词的统计和归纳来构建起完备的语气词系统,为汉语史的研究提供可靠的资料。 This essay tries to construct a complete modal particle system through the statistics and induction of the modal particles in the Book of Songs and provide reliable information for the study of Chinese history.
Maintaining a semantic cache of materialized XPath views inside or outside the database is a novel, feasible and efficient approach to facilitating XML query pr
A new microelement method for the analyses of functionally graded structures was proposed. The key of this method is the maneuverable combination of two kinds o
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照应或所指 (reference)是英语篇章结构中的一种常见现象。运用不当会使读者在理解篇章结构时产生歧义或误解。本文拟就照应或所指在篇章结构中出现的常见错误作出剖析 Refe
文学是语言的艺术 ,积极修辞使文学语言演进、发展更显活跃。文章以当下有影响的部分文学作品的文学语言为例 ,就抽象具体、矛盾统一、感觉转换、动宾不调、移花接木等诸种类