“卡特里娜”飓风(Hurricane Katrina)以空前的规模和强度给美国墨西哥湾沿岸地区造成严重影响,也对飓风之前、其间和之后的地区警务工作提出了特殊的新问题。本文重点介绍“卡特里娜”飓风肆虐下新奥尔良市的执法工作情况,评价新奥尔良警察局为应对飓风所做出的组织性和职能性调整。“卡特里娜”飓风揭示了自然灾害带来的社会影响,并提出很多警务注意事项:将犯罪控制和紧急救助的工作转移到抢修受损严重的警用基础设施、排除警用通信和运输系统故障,以满足警察与其他救援组织间相互协调的需要。新奥尔良警察在“卡特里娜”飓风过程中积累的经验或许可以为相关执法组织应对类似灾害提供借鉴。
Hurricane Katrina has had a serious impact on the Gulf Coast of the United States with unprecedented scale and intensity and has posed particular new problems for policing in the areas before, during and after the hurricane. This article focuses on law enforcement efforts in New Orleans under the “Katrina” hurricane, assessing the organizational and functional changes that the New Orleans Police Department has made in response to the hurricane. Hurricane Katrina revealed the social impact of natural disasters and provided a number of police cautions: moving crime control and emergency relief efforts to repairing damaged police infrastructure and eliminating police communications And transport system failures to meet the needs of the police and other rescue organizations for coordination. The experience gained by the New Orleans police in the wake of Hurricane Katrina may provide an opportunity for relevant law enforcement organizations to respond to similar disasters.