褐斑大蠊(Periplaneta brunnea Burmeister)属昆虫纲、蜚蠊目、蜚蠊科,是福建省室内的主要卫生害虫之一。从1983~1985年在实验室和现场对此虫的生物学、生态学进行观察,现报告如下: 材料和方法一、饲养条件:饲养室温度27±1℃,相对湿度60~80%。饲养瓶用500毫升的无色水果罐头瓶;以海绵块供水,两天换一次,饲料用淡味乳儿粉(每百克粉中含的克数:蛋白质1.4、脂肪0.5~0.7,醣份81~84、钙0.6以上。磷0.4以上,维生素B_20.05)。
Periplaneta brunnea Burmeister belongs to the order of insects, cockroaches and cockroaches. It is one of the major indoor pests in Fujian Province. From 1983 to 1985 in the laboratory and field observations of the biology of insects, are reported as follows: Materials and methods First, feeding conditions: breeding room temperature 27 ± 1 ℃, relative humidity 60 ~ 80%. Feeding bottle with 500 ml of canned colorless fruit cans; water supply sponge block, change once every two days, feed with light baby powder (grams per hectogram powder contains: protein 1.4, fat 0.5 to 0.7, sugar 81 ~ 84, calcium 0.6 or more, phosphorus 0.4 or more, vitamin B - 20.05).