古诗的语言凝炼、含蓄、形象,句式特殊,因而阅读难度大。为了突破这一教学难点,我们经过几年的教学实践,探索出了古诗教学的“读通、读懂、读深、读熟”四步读法。这四步读法重在训练学生自学古诗的能力,简介如下: 一、读通读通有两个要求。读准字音,读出节奏。1.读准字音这一要求,学生可通过查阅字典,利用拼音来自学完成。2.读出节奏。古诗的节奏有一定的规律,教者在教学中把规律揭示给学生,使其牢固掌握,灵活运用,形成能力,便可顺利完成这一要求。读出节奏的规律大致有三个方面。(1) 停顿。古诗读法中的停顿不像一般文句中的停顿那样干净利落,它一般都带有拖腔。停顿规
Ancient Chinese poetic language concise, subtle, image, sentence-specific, and thus difficult to read. In order to break through this teaching difficulty, after years of teaching practice, we have explored the four-step reading method of reading, reading, reading and reading of ancient poetry. This four-step reading method focuses on the ability of students to learn ancient poems. The brief introduction is as follows: First, there are two requirements in reading through books. Read the standard pronunciation, read the rhythm. 1. Read quasi-phonetic requirements, students can learn by phonetic dictionary to complete. 2. Read the rhythm. The rhythm of ancient poetry has certain rules. When the disciples reveal the law to the students in teaching, they can firmly grasp, flexibly use and form the ability to accomplish the requirement smoothly. Read the rhythm of the law there are roughly three aspects. (1) pause. The pause in ancient poetry reading is not as neat and tidy as the pause in the ordinary essay, which generally carries dragons. Stops regulation