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“2008,对所有中国人来说,是一个绝对值得骄傲和纪念的年头,但更多的人,从这一个数字的背后看到了两个字——商机,历届奥运会的举办,谁也无法忽视奥林匹克运动所蕴藏着的巨大经济效益。本期我们有幸结识到可口可乐、伊利、青岛啤酒、长城葡萄酒这些奥运品牌赞助商,从他们的营销实战案例中领略和分享些许品牌经营和推广的经验。其创意的手段让我们感叹,无论是在营销的某一环节还是整个系统过程,还是具体的策划过程,都有许多值得我们学习和借鉴的地方,无论是借势还是比附定位,无论是造势还是卖点策划,无论是产品创新还是营销传播,都值得我们去探讨分析。树立品牌是一个持续的战略,同时,品牌推广更要有一个系统的战略规划。企业认识到这一点,当机会来临时才不致错失良机,且更能借机行事,大大强化品牌的推广工作。之外,企业也要开展适度的创新,赋予营销以更新更生动的传播形式,在总的营销战略的框架内有力推动品牌整合营销传播工作的开展。对于国内的中小企业而言,”奥运赞助商资格“的门票不是任何企业都能拿得下来,但如果仔细规划,奥运经济的门槛却也并非高不可攀。如何才能确保把每一分钱用到实处,如何确保在与国外赞助企业的较量中不落于下风,让那些可观的赞助费变成现实的商业收益,才是摆在中国企业面前的最大的挑战。” “2008, for all Chinese, is an absolutely proud and memorable year, but more people, from behind this figure to see the two words - business opportunities, the previous Olympic Games held, no one can Ignoring the great economic benefits of the Olympic Games, we have the honor to recognize Olympic brand sponsors such as Coca Cola, Yili, Tsingtao Brewery and Great Wall Wine from their actual marketing cases and share some experience of brand management and promotion. The creative means let us lament that no matter in the marketing of a part or the entire system process, or a specific planning process, there are many worthy of our study and reference place, whether it is borrowed or attached, whether it is the momentum or Selling point planning, whether it is product innovation or marketing communication, are worth us to explore and analyze.Establishing a brand is a sustained strategy, at the same time, branding more to have a systematic strategic planning.Enterprises recognize this, when the opportunity comes Will not miss the opportunity, and better take the opportunity to act, greatly enhance the promotion of the brand. In addition, enterprises have to carry out Degree of innovation, giving marketing to update more vivid forms of communication, the overall marketing strategy within the framework of a strong impetus to the brand integrated marketing communications work for the domestic small and medium enterprises, ”Olympic sponsorship “ tickets Not any business can take it down, but if carefully planned, the threshold of the Olympic economy is not beyond its reach.How can we ensure that every penny is spent, how to ensure that the contest with foreign sponsors do not fall on The downside, so that those substantial sponsorship fees into the commercial benefits of reality, is placed in front of Chinese enterprises the biggest challenge. ”
近日,全球领先的 VoIP 应用软件供应商BroadSoft 公司宣布正式面向中国市场推出其屡获殊荣的 BroadWorksVoIP 和 IMS 平台,并计划在北京成立办事处,以满足中国市场上电信运
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。立足实战谋打赢 着眼保障求创新——66296部队车辆装备技术革新成果展示@王伟@尹岩生@高志勇 Please download to view, this
今年是中国国际视听集成设备与技术展(简称 IS China)在中国举办的第五个年头,该展会基础稳固,已成为中国视听及电子通讯系统集成设备业的重要年度盛会。2007年 IS China 移
转眼间,今年已经走过了一半的路程。回顾刚刚过去的上半年,总是会有一些令人难忘的典型事件跳出来,提醒着我们记录下国内汽车行业今年前6个月走过的轨迹。 Blink of an eye,