对消费者而言,柔软、多汁性和风味通常被描述为肉食用品质的最重要因素,所有这些都与肌内脂肪(intramuscular fat,IMF)有密切关联。X射线计算机断层扫描(computed tomography,CT)可以测定羊体内脂肪、肌肉和骨骼的体积和质量(拟发表于2014年10月Meat Science)。在过去几十年里,已在CT预测胴体组成英国羊育种项目中使用。英国研究人员通过研究来确定最准确的CT变量组合,以预测特塞尔羔羊背最长肌(M.longissimus lumborum)的IMF百分比。同预2
For consumers, softness, juiciness and flavor are often described as the most important factor in meat quality, all of which are closely related to intramuscular fat (IMF). X-ray computed tomography (CT) measures the volume and mass of fat, muscle and bone in the sheep (to be published October 2014 Meat Science). In the past few decades, it has been used in CT predictions of carcass composition in the UK sheep breeding program. British researchers through research to determine the most accurate combination of CT variables to predict the percentage of IMF longissimus muscle (M. longissimus lumborum IMF. With the pre 2