美国‘玩具安全认证方案’(Toys Safety CertificationProgram,简称TSCP)是美国玩具行业协会(Toy IndustryAssociation,简称TIA)开发的综合性玩具认证方案,旨在协助制造商、进口商和零售商控制产品安全及合规性,同时降低回收产品的风险。符合该认证要求的玩具会被允许在产品及其包装加贴一个代表符合TSCP认证的标志,并象征玩具已通过美国消费品安全委员会(Consumer ProductSafety Commission,简称CPSC)监督执行的法规。TSCP已于2009年10月1日正式启动。
The United States’ Toys Safety Certification Program (TSCP) is a comprehensive toy certification program developed by the Toy Industry Association (TIA) to help manufacturers, importers and retailers control product safety and Compliance while reducing the risk of product recall. Toys complying with this certification will be permitted to affix a TSCP certification mark to the product and its packaging and symbolize that toys have been supervised by the Consumer Product Safety Committee (CPSC). TSCP was officially launched on October 1, 2009.