打开百度或者 google,搜索一下EATwareTM(译为益环保,香港添耀实业公司产品名称),从有限的几个网页上,除了可以了解这是一种高科技一次性环保餐盒外,并不能获得其他太多让人叹服的信息。相反,拥有“世界首创的以淀粉及其他纯天然材料制成的纸浆工业添加剂”的说法让人觉得有些哗众取宠嫌疑。但是,这简单一句话的底气,却是该公司花费的长达8年的时间和8000多万港币的研发投入。看到这里,相信许多对自主创新孜孜以求、希望创意立国的人会油然而生敬意。2006年初,在青岛举办的“第二届中德环境论坛”上,当该公司总裁苏永乐侃侃而谈,介绍其一次性环保餐盒的优势时,记者也是这样油然而生敬意的。
Open Baidu or google, search for EATwareTM (translated as environmental protection, Hong Kong Tim Yiu Industrial Company product name), from a limited number of pages, in addition to understand that this is a high-tech one-time green meal boxes, and can not be obtained Too many other amazing information. On the contrary, the claim that there is “the world’s first pulp industrial additive made of starch and other pure natural materials” is somewhat suspicion. However, the strength of this simple sentence is the company spent eight years and more than 80 million Hong Kong dollars R & D investment. Seeing this, I believe many people who are diligently pursuing independent innovation and hope that the idea of creating a nation will pay tribute to it. At the beginning of 2006, at the “Second China-Germany Environment Forum” held in Qingdao, journalists also paid tribute to the occasion when the president of the company, Su Yongle, gave a talk to introduce the advantages of his one-time green meal boxes.