
来源 :语数外学习(数学教育) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q372245556
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课堂教学是以学生认知、实践、发展为主体的特殊的认知和实践过程,是师生和生生之间沟通、交往的过程。实现课堂教学的高效性,是时代发展的要求,是社会前进的要求,是素质教育实施的要求,也是减轻学生过重负担的一个根本措施。目前,在课堂教学中还不同程度地存在着苦干有余、巧干不足、高效性不高的现象,客观上也加重了学生的课业负担。因此,在现代教育的新形势下,要求我们采取现代的教学理念,真正把课堂的时间利用好,以达到高效课堂的目的。 Classroom teaching is a special process of cognition and practice based on students’ cognition, practice and development. It is a process of communication and interaction between teachers and students. Realizing the high efficiency of classroom teaching is the requirement of the development of the times, the requirement of social progress, the requirement of the implementation of quality education and a fundamental measure to reduce the excessive burden of students. At present, in the classroom teaching, to some extent, there are more than enough hard work, lack of skill, and high efficiency, which objectively aggravate the students’ academic burden. Therefore, under the new situation of modern education, we are required to adopt the modern teaching concept and make good use of the classroom time so as to achieve the goal of efficient classroom.
填空题作为一种固定的考试形式出现在各地中考试题中,填空题题型在近几年中考数学测试中也不断创新,调查统计近几年中考试题发现:数学填空题不仅考查纯数学计算和概念,还要考查数学推理、数学应用、数学思想和方法等. 填空题的考查内容在不断拓宽.