新近由广东汉剧院再度创排的新编历史剧《白门悲柳》说的是明末清初,在朝野动荡,战火连绵特殊背景下,秦淮名妓柳如是与东林党魁、江南名儒钱谦益之间演绎了一段悲欢离合的爱情故事。后因钱谦益在清军兵临城下时选择了投降,令柳如是作一个人上人的梦想破灭。面对破碎山河和失节丈夫,柳如是万念俱灰,仰天长叹,吟唱出一首声泪俱下的千古悲歌! 该剧中的江南艳妓柳如是,由国家一级演员、中国戏剧“二度梅”获得者、广东汉剧院院长李仙花领衔主演。李仙花为了塑造好柳如是这个侠骨柔情、爱国忧民的风尘女子的艺术形象,耗费了不少心血。她亲自策
The newly compiled historical play “Beiimen Bei Liu”, which was newly renovated by the Guangdong Han Opera Theater, is about the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Under the background of unrest and war between the government and the public, Liu Huai, a famous Qinhuai benevolent and leader of Donglin, Qianyi deduced a joys and sorrows love story. After Qian Qiyi chose to surrender when the Qing Army soldiers came to the city, so Liu Rushi as a man dreams shattered. In the face of broken mountains and rivers and the husband of the bad luck, Liu Rushi is desperate, sighs, sang a tearful eternal eulogies! The show’s southern Yankee Willow, by the national level actor, Chinese drama “second plum” winner, Dean of the Guangdong Han Theater Lixianhua starring. Lixianhua in order to create a good Liu Rushi is the chivalrous tenderness, patriotic and soothing woman’s artistic image, spent a lot of effort. She personally policy