Andy Lau:The Most Diligent Heavenly King等4则

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  Andy Lau(刘德华),Aaron Kwok(郭富城),Leon Lai(黎明),and Jacky Cheung(张学友)were referred to as the “Four Heavenly Kings”(四大天王) by the media for their great popularity more than a decade ago. So far,their influence in the entertainment industry has not declined. Instead,they are still the focus of their fans and the media.
  Andy Lau,born in a peasant family,did not enjoy a happy life in his childhood. When he was ten years old,his father opened a small restaurant. From then on,he had to carry water and do some cleaning every day. Such a hard life lasted for many years.
  Later,he was discovered by TVB and was named one of “TVB’s Five Tigers” along with Tony Leung(梁朝伟),Michael Miu(苗侨伟),Felix Wong(黄日华),and Kent Tong(汤镇业). In the same year,his first album entitled Only Know that at this Moment I Love You(《只知道此刻爱你》)was released,for which he was praised as one of the “Four Heavenly Kings”.
  In 1997,at the age of 36,Andy Lau was ranked the first in Ten Idols for the sixth time. In the same year,in the concert celebrating the return of Hong Kong to motherland,he was invited to sing the songWe are Chinese(《中国人》),which thrilled the audience greatly. After that,he made a singing tour throughout the mainland. All of the fourteen concerts were crowded with audience.
  Last year,when he was 48,he finally admitted in public,in spite of great pressure,that he had got married. The news has caused different responses from his fans,ranging from blessings to curses. He posted a sentimental article to express his apology in his official website. He then put himself into work so as to express his thanks to his fans for their support.
  So far,Aaron Kwok(郭富城)is the only Heavenly King who declares that he is still single. So who would be his lover has always been what interests the media most. This 45-year-old bachelor once declared that he would not get married before 50,although it is well known that Xiong Dailin(熊黛林)is his girl friend.
  Aaron Kwok attributes his achievements to the society and decides to repay it with hard work. Before he was 40,he had got the Golden Horse Awards as the best leading actor(金马影帝) twice. But he is still not satisfied,saying,“In the past years,I have spent most of the time in filming. I am now just in my early 40s. So I am not too old. I will make good use of these years to produce more good films. Otherwise,I will surely regret.” Besides,he also wants to produce his own musicals(音乐剧). He says,“I hope to make more progress in music,so I want to produce my own musicals in the next 10 years. Now I’m waiting for such an opportunity. ”
  In the eyes of the public,of the “Four Heavenly Kings”,Leon Lai’s(黎明)status is the most embarrassing. Compared with the other three kings,his only advantage lies in his height. He cannot sing as well as Jacky Cheung(张学友),or dance as well as Aaron Kwok(郭富城),or work as hard as Andy Lau(刘德华). As he is from the mainland,and,what’s more,he is not good at dealing with the media,the media in Hong Kong have never interviewed him.
  Nevertheless,he has been progressing towards his goal smoothly. For example,he had hoped to establish his own recording company so that he only had to work for ten months in a year,with one and a half months for holidays. Later,his dream really came true. He established a large-scale recording company named A-Music,which has helped the development of a lot of singers.
  At present,Leon Lai is thinking about establishing a model company. He wants to invite his wife to act as the CEO,and Xiong Dailin(熊黛林)as his model. But,as a boss,he has to take more trouble than as an artist. “I must be responsible for everybody. When my employees cannot make a decision,I have to do that instead. ”
  As a humble man,Leon Lai has also tried to protect his privacy. He has never responded to his sex scandals in a direct manner. For this,he has been regarded as a model of being humble among the “Four Heavenly Kings”.
  Crowned “God of Singing”,Jacky Cheung(张学友)is second only to Andy Lau(刘德华) in the number of fans. But he is the Heavenly King who got married first. Since his marriage,he has had no sex scandals with him. He is well known for caring about his family and loving his wife. As his wife dislikes washing dishes,he does the housework instead. On Fridays,he stays with his family and goes out to work on weekends. To Aaron Kwok(郭富城)who once acted as a support dancer(伴舞)of Jacky Cheung,he is the last good man in the entertainment industry.
  Jacky Cheung became famous when the entertainment industry in Hong Kong was in its prime(处于黄金时期). So it was very easy for his albums to sell millions of copies. But since his marriage,inevitably his popularity reached a low point,resulting in a great reduction in his opportunities for filming and the sales of his albums. His income mainly came from his singing tour(巡回演唱会). Facing the choice between career and family,his decision was obvious,that is,the latter.
  Since then,many years have passed. Now Jacky Cheung has two daughters and enjoys an enviable happy life with his family. At the same time,with his great success in the musical Snow
一部电视剧《昭君出塞》结束,王昭君和呼韩邪,一个风姿绝代,一个英雄盖世,携手踏上了红地毯,正是童话中的王子和公主,从此过上了幸福的生活。  每次看了一场好的电视剧,我都毫无例外地陷入了不着边际的怅惘之中。而女人的怅惘,又照例地和情感特别是爱情挂钩的。  剧中的王昭君固然是对大单于一往情深,而大单于也是对昭君心无二志,只爱她一人。这样英俊的男子,这样的英雄了得兼权势遮天,又能如此深情,怎不让电视机前
气象条件是组成人类生活环境的重要因素,气象条件及其变化不仅影响人的生理健康,而且对人的心理情绪方面的影响也非常明显。  秋风萧瑟,冬雨凄凉。的确,深秋和冬季,红衰翠减,百花凋零,枯藤、老树、昏鸦,容易让人触景生情,忧愁缠心;绵绵冬雨和黑沉沉的天幕也容易使人产生悲凉、苦闷、垂暮之感。  当然,秋风冬雨易使人忧愁,并不完全是审美和心理方面的原因,也有着一定的生理原因。现代医学研究证明,在人的大脑底部,
2006年3月25日,在获得两次世界杯冠军、三次奥赛冠军后,30岁的中国棋手许昱华身怀六甲,却仍然力拔头筹,登上了世界锦标赛冠军的宝座,成为国际象棋史上第一位集奥赛、世界杯、世锦赛冠军于一身的“大满贯”棋后。  将为人母的她,美丽内敛,给严肃理性的国际象棋涂抹上一层温婉柔和的色彩。这个笑称受过琼瑶“毒害”、敏感细腻、酷爱浪漫的“小女人”棋后,有着怎样的情感生活?让我们一起走入许昱华的情感世界—— 
美国“小甜甜”布兰妮刚生下一个孩子,现在,她发现又怀孕了。布兰妮一边体会着做妈妈的快乐,一边继续高歌猛进。据说现在谁敢拦住她,她就会跟谁急。  不过,遗憾的是,美国人不再把布兰妮称作“小甜甜”了,而以“甜甜圈”取而代之。“甜甜圈”是一种圆形的大众食物,美国人喜欢用这种食物来形容身材严重变形的布兰妮。那可爱、清新、有着魔鬼般身材的美丽姑娘,就这样毁了。  真的十分让人纳闷,布兰妮怎么啦?有如此高的艺
在上一节课中我们跟随麦咭学习了绘制随机彩色竹篮,了解了什么是while循环与循环嵌套。今天,麦咭将带领大家学习绘制小汽车,快跟麦咭一起来吧!  一、学习目标  1.学会填充颜色。  2.学会绘制圆形图像。  二、实践操作  1.绘制圆形图像  今天,我们要学会用海龟绘图绘制一个圆形图像。说到圆形,大家想到的东西肯定都不少,比如太阳、满月、篮球、硬币等。但是我们今天要学的是利用圆形图像来组成一个小汽
声音是由物体振动产生的,同时声音也是有能量的,接下来我们就利用声音这一性质做一个有趣的小玩具。  1. 將回形针折成如下图所示的形状。  2. 用透明胶带将回形针固定在纸杯底部。  3. 剪一个边长为0.7厘米的正方形小卡纸,并在中间用回形针戳一个洞。  4. 将小卡纸穿在回形针上,位置如下图所示。  5. 在回形针的尖端贴一小段透明胶带,防止小卡纸滑落。  将嘴巴贴在纸杯杯口处,向纸杯内喊:“啊
2015年7月10日  这一天,天气微微有一些冷,周遭似乎弥漫着富士山上的冷气,天灰蒙蒙的。旅馆外面,几株枯草兀自摇摆,仿佛不是盛夏,而是初秋了。我站在外面,使劲呼吸了一下,十分清新,一点也不浑浊,这恐怕就是没有霾的缘故吧。  这一整天,我们都会在大自然里度过,远离城市,远离喧嚣。  第一站,就是离富士山不远的河口湖。  一下车,一股寒流让我打了个大寒战。此时,我忽然感觉有些口渴,便向爸爸讨了几百
中学物理中有液体的压强公式:P=pgh,其中p是液体密度,g是重力常数,h是深度。通过公式我们可以知道同一种液体中h越大,则P越大,即深度越深,液体的压强就越大。除了用U形管压强计测量证明该结论,我们还能自己动手做一个实验仪器来证明深度越深,压强就越大。  一、制作材料  一个高40~50cm的瓶子,三根长20cm左右的玻璃管,泡沫板,长30cm的橡胶管,三个量程为60ml的去针头注射器,剪刀,胶
◎STEM知识素养  ★人文知识  据记载,公元228年,蜀国丞相诸葛亮率军进攻陈仓,魏国守将郝昭在箭上装上火把,做成“火箭”,烧毁了蜀军攻城的云梯,守住了陈仓。这是“火箭”一词第一次出现在文献中。不过,当时的“火箭”只是在箭头后部绑上浸满油脂的麻布等易燃物,点燃后用弓弩射向敌方,达到纵火的目的,与现在所说的火箭完全不同。  火药发明后,中国古代科学家运用火药燃烧产生气体的反冲原理制造出了火箭。早
儿子学校通知开家长会,微信群里家长们异口同声地问:“新逸妈妈会去吗?好想再看看他們家的好奇心橱柜!”老师很快确定新逸妈妈将在家长会上再次介绍他们家的好奇心橱柜,大家顿时激动起来。  新逸妈妈的好奇心橱柜真的很神奇,里面仅月季花标本就有一百多种,甲壳虫标本有数千个,还有几百种石头、植物种子,无数的以大自然为主角的摄影作品……它们来自全球各地,具有不同的神秘气息。  新逸妈妈借助视频、照片和文字,向大