我科于1986年11月至1987年5月采用直肠内方波电刺激治疗习惯性便秘43例,效果满意,报道如下。 病例资料:本组43例中男性19,女性24例。年龄21~77岁,平均43岁。病程4个月~30年,平均8.8年。排便间隔时间均在48h以上,最长间隔时间为7d,并且都需要服用泻药或灌肠后方可排便。全部病例均排除结、直肠器质性病变。36例行排便造影检查,其中24例有盆底肌痉挛。 治疗方法:采用我校生产的方波刺激
Our department from November 1986 to May 1987 using rectal square wave stimulation of habitual constipation in 43 cases, the effect is satisfactory, the report is as follows. Case data: The group of 43 patients, 19 males and 24 females. Age 21 to 77 years old, average 43 years old. Duration of 4 months to 30 years, an average of 8.8 years. Defecation intervals are more than 48h, the longest interval of 7d, and all need to take laxatives or enema before defecation. All cases were excluded knot, rectal organic disease. 36 routine defecation contrast examination, of which 24 cases have pelvic floor muscle spasm. Treatment: square wave stimulation produced by our school