蒲公英(Herba taraxaci)属菊科多年生草本植物,俗称婆婆丁、黄花地丁、地丁、蒲蒲苗等,全草可入药,具有清热解毒、消痈散结等功效。除药用外,蒲公英嫩苗及嫩叶可生食、凉拌、炒食、做汤、盐渍咸菜等,是一种很有开发利用价值的医疗保健型蔬菜。近年来人们对蒲公英的需求量越来越大,野生蒲公英由于采收时间短,产量远远满足不了人们的需求,发展人工栽培势在必行。尤其在北方冬季食用新鲜蒲公英,价格是普通蔬菜的3倍
Herba taraxaci belongs to the Asteraceae perennial herb, commonly known as the mother-in-law Ding, yellow dill, Diced, Po Pu Miao and so on, the whole plant can be used as medicine, with heat-clearing and detoxifying, digestion Sanjie and other effects. In addition to medicinal, dandelion tender shoots and young leaves can be eaten raw, cold, fried, soup, salted pickles, etc., is a great value in the development and utilization of health-care vegetables. In recent years, the demand for dandelion is getting larger and larger. Due to the short harvest time, the yield of wild dandelion can not satisfy the demand of people and the development of artificial cultivation is imperative. Especially in the northern winter eat fresh dandelion, the price is 3 times the ordinary vegetables