In the past year, through teaching practice, students have realized the benefits of recitation. Some students said: “Reciting a lesson, talking, writing an article is like something.” Therefore, in our school, reciting has formed a culture of habit. Some students said: “The teacher did not call us a day endorsement, we feel that day a little something like missing.” The formation of this trend can not be achieved overnight. Here to talk about our experience and practices. First, teachers should make strict demands. At the first stage, some teachers, although recognizing the role of recitation, are not strict with children. They are afraid of requiring too many articles to recite and overburdening them, thus neglecting their reading instruction during their reading class With training, for some of the longer texts that should be memorized, I dare not have students back. The school leaders timely grasp this issue, organize teachers in-depth study textbook editor instructions