恰逢日本阪神地震 10周年之际,应日本东 京华侨总会和中国人留学 生牺牲者招请会的邀请, 以全国台联名誉会长杨国 庆为团长的全国台联赴日 访问团,于2005年1月 15日至24日赴日参加了 神户举行的赈灾10周年 追悼活动和访问。在日 期间,访问团拜访了东 京、横滨、大阪、北海 道等地的旅日台湾省籍侨 胞和新、老华侨社团, 介绍祖国大陆建设成就, 宣传中央对台方针政策, 揭穿台湾当局搞“台 独”国际化的图谋,希 望广大旅日台、侨胞团 结一心,共同为祖国和 平统一大业作出贡献。
Coincides with the 10th anniversary of Japan's Hanshin Earthquake, at the invitation of the Tokyo Metropolitan Overseas Chinese Association and the Chinese students who sacrificed their lives, the National Taiwan Strait Delegation headed by Honorary President Yang of the National Taiwan Council visited Japan in 2005 From January 15 to January 24, 2001, he went to Japan to attend the 10th anniversary memorial service and visit to Kobe. During the visit, the delegation visited the Taiwan compatriots in Taiwan, Japan, Japan, Japan, Japan, Japan, Japan, Japan, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Taiwan, Taiwan, Taiwan, Taiwan, Taiwan independence, "and hopes that the broad masses of Taiwan, Japan and Taiwan compatriots will unite as one and jointly contribute to the great cause of peaceful reunification of the motherland.