The so-called false color is relatively true color terms. On false color images, the color of the object image does not represent its true or natural color but rather the different spectral reflectance characteristics of different colors. The so-called image enhancement into another clearer image process, the combination of the two is the false color image enhancement technology. The terrestrial satellite MSS false color composite image is one of the false color image enhancement techniques. Through the false color image enhancement processing of false color satellite imagery, the object of the various signs of interpretation is clearly displayed, which has a clear, vivid, informative, and with different colors, etc., is conducive to analysis and Interpretation, but more accurate. In the United States, false-color composite images of terrestrial satellite multi-spectral scanning images and natural color images of ground photography have been used to study the different growth status of annual grasses in annual growth stages of annual grasses in parts of California. Through their research, they concluded that false-color composite images of multispectral scan images obtained using land-satellite timing could provide a regional picture of the forage crop growth and status in the pastoral areas.