
来源 :中国物资经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:david_lau82
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党的十三届五中全会决定,用三年或者更长一些时间,治理经济环境、整顿经济秩序,这是十分正确的决策。 治理整顿的根本目标,是要使国民经济转上持续稳定协调发展的轨道,为国民经济的良性循环打下良好的基础。加强和改善生产资料流通工作,就是为这一目标的实现服务的。 为了使国民经济逐步走上持续稳定协调发展的轨道,必须采取一系列综合治理的措施,包括总结历史经验,从思想上认识坚持长期持续稳定协调发展的重大意义;坚决控制社会总需求的过快增长,防止和控制投资膨胀和消费基金膨胀;调整产业结构,使工业在协调的基础上,保持适度的增长,促进科技进步,提高经济效益;做好财政、信贷、物资、外汇的平衡,等等。在诸多的措施中,改善和加强生产资料流通工作,具有特殊的意义。这是因为: The Fifth Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Party has decided that it will make a very correct decision to use three or more years to govern the economic environment and rectify the economic order. The fundamental goal of rectification and rectification is to bring the national economy to the track of sustained, steady and coordinated development, laying a sound foundation for the virtuous circle of the national economy. To strengthen and improve the circulation of the means of production serves the fulfillment of this goal. In order to gradually bring the national economy onto the track of sustained, steady and coordinated development, we must adopt a series of measures for comprehensive governance, including summing up historical experiences and ideologically understanding the great significance of long-term sustained, steady and coordinated development. We must firmly control the excessive social aggregate demand Increase, prevent and control the expansion of investment and the expansion of consumer funds; adjust the industrial structure so that industries will maintain modest growth on the basis of coordination and promote scientific and technological progress so as to enhance economic efficiency; and make a good balance of finance, credit, materials and foreign exchange, etc. Wait. Among various measures, it is of special significance to improve and strengthen the circulation of the means of production. This is because:
发现除PAR外,5—Br—PADAP与卤化亚锡也能用于钯和铂的同时分光光度测定;研究了卤化亚锡使偶氮染料褪色的机理,鉴定了反应产物邻氨基酚和2-氨基吡啶. It was found that 5-B
(一) 党的十四大明确提出。我国经济体制改革的目标是建立社会主义市场经济体制,以利于进一步解放和发展生产力。这一宏伟目标和模式的确立,不仅对加快我国改革开放和现代化
对于齿圈径向跳动在机标JB305-67的规定是:从轮齿(或齿间)的固定弦到齿轮旋转轴心线距离的最大变动。 日本、德国、法国、英国和国际标准ISO1328-74对齿圈径向跳动规定的定义
我院研制的大型数控龙门铣床,纵向传动采用齿轮齿条机构。齿条模数为4,单根齿数为36。根据机床龙门纵向全程位移精度的要求(误差不超过上 0. 20毫米),确定齿条精度为 6-Dc级
1 经济环境分析和预测方法介绍 20世纪末至21世纪初将是我国经济发展的关键时期。我国经济发展的潜力到底有多大?能否抓住对我极为有利的国际环境,在未来的三十年里使我国经