The so-called ancient “polysemy” actually contains two basic types of different nature: chaos language (words), polysemy. Chaos language (word) is the spread of ancient languages, the more details of the old semantic meaning of the more vivid and seamless, can not be divided Benxi, Xi. The development mode of chaotic language is differentiation, while the chaos of word differentiation is the foundation of polysemous words. The development of polysemy is extended. Polysemy can distinguish “Benxi ” and extended meaning. The development trend of chaos language is chaotic and precise, from figurative to abstract. The development trend of Du Xi words is simple and complex. The criteria for distinguishing between the two are: First, whether or not the same “plot” elements (total time); Second, is a body and fractional body, or local and “and ” Ancient words and phrases often contain chaotic semantic meaning and extended the two different diachronic levels, the two intertwined, especially complicated.