1994年,对洛阳白马企业集团公司来说是挑战与机遇并存、挑战大于机遇的一年。 在原棉缺口高达45%、价格一路上扬的逆境之中,洛阳白马企业集团公司奋力进取取得了可喜成绩: ——产品直接出口合格率完成92.72%,比1993年提高3.27%,达历史最好水平;实现利税5798万元,是1993年的1.9倍,创历年来最高记录。 ——全年商检局、测试中心联检抽检棉布1950匹、棉纱250箱,
In 1994, Luoyang Baima Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. was a year in which challenges and opportunities coexisted and challenges were greater than opportunities. In the adversity of raw cotton gap as high as 45% and prices rising all the time, Luoyang Baima Enterprise Group Corporation has made strenuous progress and made gratifying achievements: - 92.72% of the qualified rate of direct export of products was completed, 3.27% higher than 1993, reaching the best level in history Achieving a profit and tax of 57.98 million yuan, which was 1.9 times that of 1993, was the highest record ever. ——The annual inspection by the Commodity Inspection Bureau and the Testing Center was conducted on 1950 cotton and 250 cotton boxes.