
来源 :毛泽东思想研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rfvbgtyhnmju
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大革命失败后,中国革命不仅处于十字路口,而且陷入了低潮。在这事关革命前途和命运的当头,毛泽东率领秋收起义的队伍在井冈山建立了第一个农村革命根据地——井冈山革命根据地,并以敢为天下先的勇气,开创了“农村包围城市,武装夺取政权”的革命道路,确立了“党对军队绝对领导”的政治建军原则,初步建立了人民军队的新式建军制度,初步形成了人民战争及人民战争的战略战术思想。 After the failure of the Great Revolution, the Chinese revolution was not only at a crossroads but also at a low ebb. At this moment concerning the future and destiny of the revolution, the team led by Mao Zedong in the Autumn Harvest Uprising set up the revolutionary base area of ​​Jinggang Mountains in Jinggangshan and dared to courage for the world and pioneered the policy of “encircling the cities from the countryside, Established the principle of political establishment of the ”absolute leadership of the party and the armed forces," initially established the people’s army’s new-style military establishment system, and initially formed the strategic and tactical thinking of the people’s war and the people’s war.
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