自杀也有遗传基因 自杀现象在很多国家都呈上升趋势,社会各界对此给予了极大关注,有关医学机理也成了科研的热门课题。那么导致自杀的原因是什么? 英国布里斯托尔大学医学院的专家们在分析、筛选大量自杀者的血样的基础上,从中找到一种暂且称其为“自杀基因”的物质。带有这种基因的人往往具有较强的自杀欲望。长期以来,科学家们一直对那些世代为自杀所困扰的家族深惑不解,总觉得这些自杀事件的背后似乎有种基因物质在作怪,可是又没有人能证明人类DNA的某一特定片段可以增进自杀欲望。布里斯托
Suicide and genetic suicide have been on the rise in many countries. All sectors of society have paid great attention to this. The medical mechanism has also become a hot topic in scientific research. So what are the causes of suicide? Experts from Bristol University School of Medicine in the United Kingdom, based on the analysis and screening of blood samples of a large number of suicides, find a substance that they tentatively call “suicide gene”. People with this gene tend to have a strong desire for suicide. For a long time, scientists have been puzzled by generations of suicide-struck families. There seems to be a genetic substance behind these suicides, but no one can prove that a particular segment of human DNA can be enhanced Suicide desire. Bristol