选择较抗病品系中色泽好品质高的大粒种,已成为鲜食葡萄业的发展趋势,为适应这一需要,福建省农科院葡萄品种选育组近年从国外引进几批葡萄新品种,进行栽培试验与筛选。现将表现良好、具上述特色的品种“黑蜜”、“东部巨选”的主要性状介绍如下。黑蜜(八二一プラツク) ?
In order to meet this need, the grape variety breeding team of Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences introduced several new grape varieties from abroad in recent years, Cultivation test and screening. Now the performance is good, with the above characteristics of varieties “black honey”, “Eastern Giant” the main characters are as follows. Black honey (August 21 prilac)?