
来源 :国际石油经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:same66
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编者按:今年是本刊连续第17年组织年度十大石油经济事件评选。秉承“回顾过去、把握现在、镜鉴未来”的初衷,编辑部与热心读者、专家一起系统地梳理和剖析过去一年发生的重大石油经济事件,经过三轮筛选、反复评议,最终确定了2016年十大石油经济事件。期冀借助对十大事件的盘点,以点带面,概括油气行业当前面临的发展形势,突出前瞻,把脉行业乃至世界政治经济的发展趋势。纵览2016年国内外十大石油经济事件,可以发现,低油价仍是 Editor’s note: This year is the first 17 consecutive years of organization of the year’s top ten oil economic events. Adhering to the original intention of “reviewing the past, grasping the present and mirroring the future”, the editorial department and the enthusiastic readers and experts systematically combed and analyzed the major oil-related economic events that took place in the past year. After three rounds of screening, repeated appraisals and final confirmation 2016 Top Ten Oil Economy Events. With the help of the inventory of the top ten events, we hope we can summarize the current development situation in the oil and gas industry with a point-by-point overview and highlight the development trend of political economy in the pulse industry and the world. Looking at the top 10 oil economic events at home and abroad in 2016, we can see that the low oil price remains
Hi, my name is Lily. I am a pupil. I study in Xinghai Primary School. I like my school very much. I often read books and listen to music during the rest time. A
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