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农民主体地位的确立和培育是落实村民自治,推进农村基层民主建设中的关键问题,在工业化、城市化、市场化的进程中,农民主体地位不仅表现在经济生活中能够自主经营,而且还应当在政治生活和社会生活中表现为能够依法独立地行使民主权利,运用民主权利来保障自己的合法权益。为此,在指导农村村民自治中应当立足于农村实际,通过推进农村经济社会的发展进步来促进农村群众民主意识的提高,自我行使民主权利的能力不断增强,从而使以村民自治为核心的农村民主政治建设真正成为亿万农民的自觉行动,为社会主义民主政治进步奠定坚实的基础。 The establishment and cultivation of the peasants’ subjective status is the key issue in implementing the self-governance of the villagers and promoting the construction of grassroots democracy in the countryside. In the process of industrialization, urbanization and marketization, the dominant position of the peasants not only manifests itself in the economic life, but also should be self- In political life and social life, they are able to independently exercise their democratic rights in accordance with the law and use their democratic rights to safeguard their own legitimate rights and interests. Therefore, guiding the rural villagers in self-government should be based on the actual conditions in rural areas, promote rural economic and social progress and promote the improvement of rural people’s democratic awareness, and enhance their ability to exercise their own democratic rights so that rural areas with villager autonomy as the core The construction of democratic politics has truly become the conscious action of hundreds of millions of peasants, laying a solid foundation for the progress of socialist democracy.
在众多的作业中,一个粗糙的椭圆形的风筝显得分外笨拙。风筝的周边显然是用旧铁丝拧箍而成…… In many operations, a rough oval kite was awkwardly awkward. The periph
我真的找不到一个合适的词来形容此刻的心情。不知道,今晚会不会…… I really can’t find a suitable word to describe the mood at the moment. Do not know, will not
缈进初三没多久,就下定决心要好好用功读书,考上那所录取率还不到千分之一的省重点A中。这样不仅可以让她跳出这个小得可怜的县城,更可以大大满足她的虚荣心,还有,让自己爱面子的知识分子父母也着实风光一把。   其实,缈原来和大家一样,一直坚持读书不要太用功,考试不一定要拿第一。但是,都怪她在开学初的摸底考中撞上的那次该死的年级第一,让她不得不改变计划---她原来准备吃吃一、二年级的老本,轻轻松松地混过
我喜欢等待。我知道不会有人给我写信的,但这种充满希望的等待的感觉就巳经够了…… I like to wait. I know that no one will write to me, but this feeling of hopeful