教材插图5-38是为了演示空气有质量的实验,教材对此实验是这样叙述的: “跟其他物质一样,空气也有质量。用抽气机抽出瓶里的空气,然后用夹子夹紧橡皮管,把瓶放在天平上,加砝码使天平平衡(图5-38)。松开夹子,让外面的空气进到瓶里,天平就失去平衡。必须增加砝码,才能使天平恢复平衡。这增加的砝码就等于瓶中空气的质量。”
Illustration 5-38 of the textbook is intended to demonstrate the quality of the air experiment. The textbook describes this experiment as follows: “As with other substances, the air also has quality. Use an air pump to extract the air from the bottle, and then clamp the rubber with a clamp. Tube, put the bottle on the balance, and add the weight to balance the balance (Fig. 5-38). Release the clip and let the outside air enter the bottle. The balance will lose balance. The weight must be increased to restore the balance. This increased weight equals the quality of the air in the bottle.”