This study examines the plasticity of perceptual English consonants / s / and / θ / in 22 fifth graders and 29 first graders under different test conditions by means of a pre-test-training-posttest and Compare The two age groups were tested under both pure listening, audiovisual, inconsistent audiovisual and pure visual conditions in both antecedents and seizures. Half of the subjects in both age groups underwent training in pure listening and the other half in audiovisual training Training, training time lasted 10 days, about 30 minutes a day. The results of training showed that: (1) There was a significant difference in perceived English consonants / s / and / θ / in fifth graders who underwent pure listening and audiovisual training under audiovisual conditions, and audiovisual training subjects were significantly higher There were no significant differences among the participants in pure listening training under the other conditions. (2) There was no significant difference in perceived improvement of English consonants / s / and / θ / among undergraduates undergoing both exercises. Shows that children showed a stronger visual audio-visual dual-channel perception of plasticity.