讲饮讲食是广州人的传统习惯,历史上,“食在广州”早已美名远播。在中华食谱中,川、京、鲁、淮、扬、沪、粤等几大地方特色菜系,粤菜独占其中,一直以来,广州以其民间食谱丰富,茶楼食肆林立,烹饪技艺精良而蜚声海内外。 改革开放十多年来,羊城饮食业迅猛发展,昔日的“茶居”、“酒楼”已延伸至今日之宾馆、酒店中,与此同时,私人山庄、鱼村也从无到有,越开越多,规模不断扩大,档次不断提高,一些境外快餐集团也看中广州这块爱吃的宝地,大举进军羊城,
Speaking and drinking is a traditional custom in Guangzhou. Historically, “eating in Guangzhou” has long been famous. In the Chinese recipes, Sichuan, Beijing, Shandong, Huai, Yang, Shanghai, Guangdong and other major local cuisine, Cantonese exclusive of them, has been in Guangzhou for its rich folk recipes, restaurants, restaurants, sophisticated cooking skills and renowned the sea inside and outside. Over the past decade since the reform and opening up, the catering industry in Yangcheng has developed rapidly. In the past, “tea houses” and “restaurants” have been extended to today’s hotels and hotels. At the same time, private villas and fish villages have also started from scratch. Many, the scale continues to expand, continue to improve the quality of a number of foreign fast food group also fancy this piece of love to eat in Guangzhou, a massive move into the city of Yangcheng,