邵某,21岁,汉族,第一胎妊娠34周早破水于1985年9月28日入院。停经35天时患过“急性膀胱炎”,曾用呋喃(口旦)啶及乌洛托品治愈。停经2月时又患“重感冒”,用过减热镇痛剂,药名不详。家族中无多胎、畸胎史。检查:一般情况良好。双胎臀位,宫高32厘米,腹围87厘米,胎音轻,宫口未开。次日8 Am 胎儿窘迫,经处理好转。9 Pm 宫口开全,阴道检查先露为双足、双手。将手还纳宫腔后行足牵引,操作困难,怀疑联体双
Shao Mou, 21 years old, Han nationality, the first pregnancy 34 weeks of gestation early broken water was admitted on September 28, 1985. Menopause 35 days had “acute cystitis”, once furan (dandan) pyridine and urotropine cure. Menopause in February and suffering from “heavy cold”, used heat-relief painkiller, drug name unknown. Family no multiple births, teratogenic history. Check: Generally good. Twin breech, palace height 32 cm, abdominal circumference 87 cm, fetal tone light, cervix is not open. The next day 8 Am fetal distress, the deal improved. 9 Pm cervix open, vaginal examination revealed the first two feet, hands. Will also hand after the uterine cavity line traction, difficult operation, doubling the double