同志们,朋友们: 今天,首都党政军机关、工农兵以及各界群众的代表,在天安门广场举行隆重的追悼大会,同全国各族人民一道,极其沉痛地悼念我们敬爱的伟大领袖、国际无产阶级和被压迫民族被压迫人民的伟大导师毛泽东主席。几天来,全党全军和全国各族人民,都为毛泽东主席逝世感到无限的悲痛。伟大领袖毛主席毕生的事业,是同广大人民群众血肉相连的。长期受压迫受剥削的中国人民,是在毛主席的领导下翻身作了主人。灾难深重的中华民族,是在毛主席的领导下站立起来了。中国人民衷心地爱戴
Comrades and friends: Today, representatives of the party, government, army and peasants in the capital and the masses in all walks of life hold a solemn memorial meeting in Tiananmen Square. Together with the people of all ethnic groups across the country, they are extremely saddened to pay tribute to our beloved great leader, Chairman Mao Zedong, great mentor of class and oppressed peoples. In the past few days, all the entire party, the entire army and people of all ethnic groups across the country feel indebted sorrow for the passing away of Chairman Mao Zedong. The great cause of Chairman Mao’s great life is linked to the flesh and blood of the broad masses of the people. The long-oppressed and exploited Chinese people turned their masters under the leadership of Chairman Mao. The disaster-ridden Chinese nation stood under Chairman Mao’s leadership. The Chinese people love heartily