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国际上实现外向型经济的国家所走过的历程,大致有两种发展方式。一种是按照传统的国际分工要求,进行“调剂余缺,互通有无”,经过漫长的岁月,逐步建立起国际化的经济结构和经济运行体系,使本国的经济面向国际市场,在内外经济大循环中,达到国民经济全面发展。一种是以对外贸易为基础,出口创汇为中心,政策导向为手段,按照国际市场的需求,及时调整产业结构,优选战略产业,实行重点扶植,倾斜发展,迅速占领国际市场,以带动国内经济全面“起飞”。日本和“亚洲四小”采取后一种方式,仅仅花了二十多年时间,就赶上甚至超过英国等国用传统方式走了二百多年路程才达到的水平。我国沿海地区发展外向型经济如何从实际情况出发,并借鉴国际上的成功经验,选择最有利的发展方式;如何运用 There are roughly two approaches to the development of the internationally-oriented countries that have achieved an export-oriented economy. One is to follow the traditional requirements of international division of labor and to conduct “adjusting the remaining gaps and interoperating with each other”. After a long period of time, it gradually established an international economic structure and economic operation system so that its own economy can face the international market. In the cycle, we will achieve the all-round development of the national economy. One is based on foreign trade, with foreign exchange earned as the center and policy orientation as the means. In accordance with the needs of the international market, it timely adjusts the industrial structure, selects the strategic industry, implements key support, leans development, and quickly seizes the international market to drive the domestic economy. Full “take off.” Japan and the “Asian Four Littles” took the latter approach. It took only more than two decades to catch up to even surpass the level reached by the British and other countries in more than 200 years by traditional means. How does the development of export-oriented economy in the coastal areas of China proceed from the actual situation and draw on the successful experience in the international community to choose the most favorable development method?
①人机群悬降洲练②空中吊运训练∞快速毪机④秤直升帆的配台下.对战撮装备快逋抢培中国陆航部队训练剪影@秦德禄@李康 ① man-machine hangover continents training ② ai
近年来,丝绸行业的进口设备越来越多,人们在谈到进口设备的价格时往往有点搞不准,同一种进口的同样产品往往会有几种价格。比如,广东进口的日本 LW52C—190型喷水织机的价格
1  1997年10月发生的一件事使得莲花谷村所有人五味杂陈。一个代表着莲花谷上百年来人生典范和世俗意义的人因为贪污而被免职。在过去几十年里,他无疑是莲花谷村乃至整个光明乡最有权力和声望的,也是诸多后来者用以教子出息的“楷模”甚至“先贤”和“全村一百年来最有福气的人”。倒推四十年,和其他莲花谷人一样,他也是一个似无根底的乡村青年,因为头脑灵活,还有一定的文化,先后受到大队、公社和县里一位领导的赏识
前不久,笔者到民兵连做思想调查时,就有人提出:“雷锋能学,好事能做,就是委屈难受”。 近些年来,在个别单位确实存在着做好事被讽刺、受委屈的不正常现象,有的单位还设了个