1999年全国初中物理知识竞赛复赛试题第四大题的原题内容如下: 小红做实验时发现一支温度计不准确.把它和标准温度计一同插入水中,发现当实际温度为2℃时,它的示数是 4℃ ,82℃时的示数是 80℃ .仔细观察,它的刻度是均匀的. (1)请以x表示任意温度时这支
The contents of the fourth topic of the 1999 national junior high school physics knowledge contest rematch test question are as follows: Xiao Hong discovered that a thermometer was inaccurate during the experiment. It was inserted into the water with a standard thermometer. It was found that when the actual temperature was 2°C, the number was 4°C, and that at 82°C was 80°C. Carefully observe that its scale is uniform. (1) Please use x to indicate any temperature.