为了适应情报工作综合性、多功能特点的需要,情报人员的培养教育也应该是多形式多层次的。大致可分: 一、学校进修。对有丰富工作经验,有较高理论知识的情报人民鼓励进修学位和报考研究生,以培养高级人员;对非图书情报专业毕业的大学毕业生,选送到有关学校进修图书情报专业,主要是培养中级人员;鼓励所有情报人员在干好本职工作的前提下积极报考电大、函大等,按照“通才”的模式塑造自己。
In order to meet the needs of comprehensive and multi-functional intelligence work, the training of intelligence personnel should also be multi-level and multi-level. Generally divided into: First, the school training. Information rich in work experience and a higher theoretical knowledge of the people to encourage further degree and apply for graduate students to develop senior personnel; non-library and information professional graduates of college graduates, sent to the school to study library and information professional, mainly to develop intermediate Personnel; Encourage all intelligence personnel to actively apply for a job under the premise of doing a good job of TVU, Honda, etc., in accordance with the “generalists” model to shape themselves.