继“腹会阴切除肛门括约肌成形术治疗直肠下段癌26例的临床应用”这个研究题目之后,于今年8月至11月的三个月内,我们又用腹会阴切除股薄肌肌瓣转移加结肠套叠代括约肌的肛门成形术,拟与单用股薄肌成形的方法相对比,今就14例术后病人的临床实验观察初探资料报告于后,供同道商榷. 临床资料 [手术方法]麻醉、体位均与前法相同。将左侧的股薄肌已游离的肌腹与腱性部分提起,在核肌的血管蒂门部折转,将肌瓣
Following the study of “clinical application of abdominal perineal resection of anal sphincteroplasty for the treatment of 26 cases of lower rectal cancer”, in the three months from August to November this year, we also used abdominoperineal excision of musculoskeletal muscle flaps. Anal sphincterotomy of the colonic intussusception is compared with the method of gracilis formation alone. Now 14 cases of postoperative patients’ clinical laboratory observations have been reported for later analysis for the same group of patients. Clinical data [surgical methods] Anesthesia and posture are the same as the previous method. Raise the abdominal muscles and tendonous parts of the left gracilis muscle and turn them in the vascular pedicle of the nucleus muscles.