庄子云:善御者,必仁德之士也! 可是,这个古板的古代思想家并没有在他的名言中,体现出骑马的乐趣是什么?我认为:骑马功夫的最高境界就是达到人马合一的状态! 马的驰骋就是我的驰骋!感觉马的兴奋欢腾或疲惫慵懒直至肌肉的每一次绷紧和放松,人马之间心领神会,马独有的韵律、飞腾、飘掠之美就是骑士的韵律、飞腾、飘掠之美! 只有这时候,才体验到骑马的最大乐趣——驰骋! 所以,高手,是用心来骑马的,而且,只用心,就够了!
Chuang Tzu-yun: good wards, people who will also be Rende! However, this old-fashioned ancient thinkers did not reflect in his famous quote, what are the fun of riding? I think: the highest state of riding martial arts is to achieve unity Horse riding is my gallop! Feel the excitement of horses jubilant or exhausted lazy until each muscle tense and relax, between men and take the hint, horse’s unique rhythm, soaring, the beauty of flying swept knight rhythm , Soaring, the beauty of flying swept! Only this time, the greatest pleasure of riding experience - gallop! Therefore, the master, is hard to ride, but, only hard-hearted enough!