一、词义分类与汉语语义系统 [1、1]1989年3月4日在清华大学举行的北京市语言学会和全国计算语言学专业委员会的特别联席会议上,我国著名的语言信息处理专家陈力为教授指出:世界的五种主要语言中,形态最丰富的是俄语,其次是德语—法语—英语—汉语(汉语是非形态语言)。从这个顺序来看,汉语是自然语言中最高层次的语言。层次越高越要依靠语义和语域。要解决计算机处理汉语的问题,必须在语义研究上下一番功夫。从1986年开始,鲁川先生和我密切合作,从计算语言学的角度奋力探索汉语的语义系统,正是因为我们对汉语的语义问题和陈力为教授有相同的认识。
I. Semantic Classification and Chinese Semantic System [1, 1] On March 4, 1989, at the special joint conference of the Beijing Language Institute and the National Committee of Computational Linguistics, Tsinghua University, renowned expert on language information processing The professor pointed out that among the five major languages in the world, the most abundant is Russian, followed by German-French-English-Chinese (Chinese is non-morphological). In this order, Chinese is the highest level of language in the natural language. The higher the level, the more we must rely on semantics and register. To solve the problem of computer processing Chinese, we must make some efforts in semantic research. Since 1986, Mr. Lu Chuan has worked closely with me to explore the semantic system of Chinese from the perspective of computational linguistics precisely because we share the same understanding of Chinese semantic issues as Professor Chen Li.