Innovation in the Computing System of Straightening Force

来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kldzn2004
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Currently in China, the computing system of the straightening force of the six-rollers straightening machine generally follows the traditional computing system. The force status of the traditional computing system for the straightening force deviates far away from the actual force status of the roller system in the six-rollers straightening machine. In the traditional system, the computing model of the straightening force of the six-roller straightening machine was based on the roller shape of hyperbola, which led to the length of the contacting line between the tube and the straightening roller to be excessively short, i.e., only 0.1–0.2 of the length of the roller. Thus the constructed computing system has relatively large difference from the actual measured result. To solve the above problems, flattening straightening and bend straightening are analyzed on the basis of materials mechanics and bend beam theory, the roller shape using the envelope method of А.И.Целиков is generated, and a new computing system for straightening force in six-rollers straightening machine is built. The roller shape of the straightening roller, on which the new computing system for the straightening force is based, is designed according to the envelope method under the condition of ideally full contacting between the tube and the roller body of the straightening roller, therefore the new computing model accords with the practical status of straightening force. According to the comparison of the new computing system with finite element method and the actual measured result of straightening force, it has been proved that the computation accuracy of the new computing system for straightening force satisfies the practical requirements of engineering. New six-rollers straightening machines are designed and manufactured according to the new calculation system, and the new machines not only have higher precision and quality, but also have adopted the force sensor and computer and combined with the new computing system for straightening force to realize the fully automatic adjustment of the straightening machine. The new six rollers straightening machine have obtained notable economical and social benefits. Currently in China, the computing system of the straightening force of the six-rollers straightening machine generally follows the traditional computing system. The force status of the traditional computing system for the straightening force deviates far away from the actual force status of the roller system in the six-rollers straightening machine. Based on the roller shape of hyperbola, which led to the length of the contacting line between the tube and the straightening roller to be excessively short, ie, only 0.1-0.2 of the length of the roller. Thus the constructed computing system has relatively large difference from the actual measured result. To solve the above problems, flattening straightening and bending straightening are analyzed on the basis of materials mechanics and bend beam theory, the roller shape using the envelope method of А.И.Целиков is g enerated, and a new computing system for straightening force in six-rollers straightening machine is built. The roller shape of the straightening roller, on which the new computing system for the straightening force is based, is designed according to the envelope method under the condition of ideally full contacting between the tube and the roller body of the straightening roller, therefore the new computing model accords with the practical status of straightening force. According to the comparison of the new computing system with finite element method and the actual measured result of straightening force, it has been verified that the computation accuracy of the new computing system for straightening force meets the practical requirements of engineering. New six-rollers straightening machines are designed and manufactured according to the new calculation system, and the new machines not only have higher precision and quality, but also have the force the sensor and computer and c ombined with the new computing system for straightening force to realize the fully automatic adjustment of the straightening machine. The new six rollers straightening machine have achieved notABLE economical and social benefits.
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