本文所论述的内容与其说是有关新设备的不如说是有关新设备发展趋势的,同时还说明了这些趋势对矿山工业来说将意味着什么。汽车的发展趋势过去几年,运输汽车大概出现了两种最明显的趋势:载重能力240短吨(1短吨=0.9072t)的运输汽车暂时不会再增大了,再就是机械传动的汽车得到了发展,例如卡特彼勒公司已生产出170短吨的机械传动汽车。由于240短吨汽车比较大,所以首先引起我们的注意。应用240短吨汽车的想法已有好长时间了,但是只有现在可靠的240短吨汽车才能达到实用阶段。GE(通用电气公司)运输系统报告称,为240短吨汽车配套的大型电动轮的销售量猛增。为240短吨汽车配套的 GE787型车用系统现已销售出90多套,还有60~
What we are discussing here is not so much about new equipment as it relates to new equipment trends, but also what these trends mean to the mining industry. Trends in automobiles Over the past few years, the two most obvious trends have been observed in the transport of motor vehicles: transport vehicles with a capacity of 240 short tons (1 short ton = 0.9072 t) will not increase for a while, and then the mechanically driven cars Has been developed, for example, Caterpillar has produced 170 short tons of mechanical transmission car. As 240 short tons of vehicles is relatively large, so the first cause for our attention. The idea of using 240 short tons of cars has been around for a long time, but only the now reliable 240 short tons can reach the practical stage. GE (GE) Transportation Systems reported a surge in sales of large electric wheels for 240 short-tonned vehicles. For 240 short tons of vehicles supporting GE787-type car system now has sold more than 90 sets, there are 60 ~