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民族新闻怎样改革?当然,它离不开新闻改革的一般规律。同时,也不可否认,它要从自身的特殊规律出发。当理论的探讨尚未展开的时候,实践又一次走在了它的前面。人民日报和国家民委联合举办的大型采访活动《民族地区纪行》(以下简称《纪行》),像是一股清新的风,为民族新闻的改革传递出许多新的信息。如果说,新闻界对党的十三大的报道是新闻改革的一次成功的实践,那么,人民日报一年来发表的80余篇《纪行》,则是民族新闻改革的初次探索和成功的尝试。民族新闻能报忧吗? 谁都承认,就社会经济文化的发展而言,少数民族一般要比汉族落后些,特别是与汉族的先进地区比,这种反差更为明显、强烈。那末,民族新闻能不能报道少数民族的落后呢?从理论上说,这是不成问题的.但实际上,却常常成为问题。因为,这个落后不是汉族(汉族也有落后面)而是少数民族。这就多了几层考虑:少数民族高兴吗?会不会影响民族关系?会不会违犯民族政策?其结果,几十年来形成了这样 How National News Reform? Of course, it can not do without the general laws of news reform. At the same time, it is undeniable that it must proceed from its own special laws. When the theoretical discussion has not yet started, practice is again in front of it. People’s Daily and the State Ethnic Affairs Commission held a large-scale interviews “Nationalities Jailing” (hereinafter referred to as “discipline”), like a fresh wind, for the national news reform passed many new information. If we say that the media’s coverage of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is a successful practice in press reform, more than 80 “discipline guides” published by the People’s Daily in the past year are the first attempts at the success of the reform of the national press. As for the development of social economy and culture, the minority nationalities generally lag behind the Han people, especially compared with the advanced areas of the Han nationality. This contrast is even more obvious and intense. Then, can national news cover the backwardness of ethnic minorities? Theoretically, this is not a problem, but in fact it is often a problem. Because this backwardness is not Han (Han also has backward) but ethnic minorities. Here are a few more layers of consideration: Are ethnic minorities happy? Will they affect ethnic relations? Will they violate national policies? The result has been the result of decades
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