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她去了,奔桃花而去。那日天气灰蒙,不多久还飘起了雨。雨从零星到瓢泼,如蝌蚪游走在车窗玻璃上。她笑了。天气并没有影响她的心情。她相信,桃花依然会为她盛开。旅途很漫长,车厢里放着过去的老电影。司机怎么回事啊?就不能放放歌什么的?旁边的一位年轻小伙发出了牢骚。她抿嘴一笑,还真是呢,也许上年纪的都喜欢这类电影吧。可司机不予理睬。没有别的选择,也就只好将就着看了。还别说,看着看着却有味道了,原来人的适应性是可以被强迫的。 She went to Peach away. That day the weather was gray, not long before it floated the rain. Rain from sporadic to pouring, such as tadpoles swimming in the window glass. She laughed. The weather did not affect her mood. She believes that the peach will still be in full bloom for her. The journey is long, with old movies in the carriage. What’s wrong with the driver? What can not be done with the song? A young man next to him complained. Her pout, really is, maybe the older age like these movies. Can ignore the driver. There is no other choice, it will have just read. Do not say, look at it and have a taste, the original human adaptability can be forced.
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徜徉胜境忘躬耕,意在长居聊此生。  皋鹤唳山遥有色,渊鱼戏水细无声。  葳蕤芳甸清风飒,浟湙余波霁月明。  潭影濯怀澄俗念,心头垒释自然平。
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