11月1日,00:12纽约W4 Street Subway Station西经74°,北纬40°43’纽约万圣节大巡游(Halloween Parade)堪称纽约市格林威治村(Greenwich Village)的年度盛事,至今已经30多年了。每年的万圣节之夜,总会有数万人化妆成妖魔鬼怪,走上纽约大街,从晚8时开始,自第6大道与春天街交界起,一直游行至第23街,全程大约2个小时。万圣节凌晨时分的地铁里,刚刚结束的游行队伍热情地邀请我参加他们接下来的狂欢派对。使用器材:佳能6D,F2.8,1/100秒,ISO 800交通:地铁周边美景:自由女神、华尔街、帝国大厦、第五大道、中央公园
November 1, 00:12 W4 Street Subway Station, New York 74 ° N, 40 ° 43 ’New York Halloween Parade is the annual event in New York City’s Greenwich Village, which has so far reached 30 For many years. Every Halloween night, there are always tens of thousands of people make up as demons and goblins. They walk onto New York Avenue and start from 8pm until the junction of Spring Avenue and Spring Street. They have been parading to 23rd Street for about 2 hours. In the metro just before dawn on Halloween, the just-concluded parade warmly invited me to their next rave party. Use of equipment: Canon 6D, F2.8, 1/100 seconds, ISO 800 Traffic: Metro beauty: Liberty, Wall Street, Empire State Building, Fifth Avenue, Central Park