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我图是一个有着五千年悠久历史的 文明古国,人才如林,学者如云。有 很多好的读书方法和经验流传至今。笔 者在平日读书中,搜集到其中的一部分, 现归结起来,与爱书者共赏。 一目十行。话大家常用,出自《粱 书·简文帝纪》:“读书十行俱下。”宋代 刘克庄诗云:“五更三点结漏,一目十行 读书。”一眼看十行是不可能的,但用来 形容读书敏捷,夸张得可以接受。当今科 技飞跃发展,各种书籍浩如烟海,要浏览 大量书报,确实需要点“一目十行”的本 领。 二分群收。清末名家梁启超很会读 书。他把每天所要读的书分为二类,一类 是一般的,粗读;一类是有价值的,细读; 格言还要精读。这种主次分明的读书方 法,使他获益不浅。 My picture is an ancient civilized nation with a long history of 5,000 years, such as forests and scholars. There are many good reading methods and experiences circulating so far. I read in the weekday, collected some of them, now summed up, and love the booker. A ten lines. The words we all commonly used, from the “Book of Grain Emperor Ji”: “Reading ten lines. ” Liu Kezhuang poetry Song: “five more three knot, reading ten lines. ” , But used to describe reading agile, exaggerated acceptable. The rapid development of science and technology today, a variety of books voluminous, to read a large number of books and magazines, do need to point “a head ten lines ” ability. Two groups received. Late Ming Liang Qichao will study. He divided the books to be read each day into two categories. One was general and crude reading; the other was valuable reading, the fine reading; the motto was intensive reading. This primary and secondary method of reading, so that he benefited greatly.
【摘要】随着教育的不断发展与改革,小学数学教学也开始受到了人们的广泛关注,通过培养学生的求异思维,不仅可以激发出学生学习的主动性,同时也可以让学生主动的参与到学习中去,从而提高学习的质量。因此,在实际教学中教师要采取科学的教学方法,培养好学生的求异思维。基于此本文针对在小学数学教学中培养学生的求异思维进行了简要阐述,并提出几点个人看法,仅供参考。  【关键词】小学数学 课堂教学 求异思维 培养对策
《红楼梦》是中国古典长篇小说中最优秀的作品 ,是悠久、灿烂的中华文化的杰出代表 ,是世界文学宝库中的珍品 ,也是我们伟大的中华民族的骄傲。《红楼梦》故事被作者曹雪芹隐