医院内感染与老年脑卒中的治疗和预后密切相关,控制医院内感染的发生,可降低脑卒中的死亡率.为探讨影响脑卒中合并医院内感染的有关因素,对近年保健科收治的脑卒中病例进行了回顾性分析.1 资料与方法以1993年7月至1998年7月在省千佛山医院保健科收治的脑卒中病人568例为调查对象,其中男性313例,女性255例;年龄60~65岁293例,>65岁275例;脑梗塞392例,脑出血176例.医院内感染诊断根据卫生部医政司医院感染小组制定的诊断标准.
Nosocomial infections are closely related to the treatment and prognosis of senile stroke, and controlling the occurrence of nosocomial infections can reduce the mortality rate of stroke.In order to explore the factors that affect the hospital-acquired infection in stroke and stroke, The cases were retrospectively analyzed.1 Data and Methods From July 1993 to July 1998 in the Department of Hepatology, Qianfoshan Hospital, 568 stroke patients admitted to the survey, of which 313 were male and 255 female; age 60 ~ 65 years old in 293 cases,> 65 years old in 275 cases; cerebral infarction in 392 cases, cerebral hemorrhage in 176 cases .Infection in the hospital diagnosed according to the Ministry of Health, Department of Heal Hospital infection group to develop diagnostic criteria.