Restrictions on the freedom of the soul with the rules Chinese students in Germany to see the German stereotyped work, I do not know workarounds, want to be tempted to make fun of them a lot. Students in the two neighboring kiosks were marked ”male “ ”female “ words, and then hid in the dark, to see ”dead heart “ what the Germans do. As a result, they found that all Germans going to the kiosk entered the pavilion that they should enter without any complaints, as they saw the sign of the toilet. There is a period of time, female Pavilion idle, male Pavilion rather queuing side will not move to the female Pavilion here. Very surprised students, do not know why the Germans ”stay“ to this. Foreign students went to ask those calmly waiting for the gentleman: ”Since no one in front of the female Pavilion, why not fight over there, while waiting for it?“ In the face of foreign students doubt, the Germans calmly shrugged: ”The rules are not