熊×斌男7岁学生住院号67016 1982年2月2日入院。3天前被爆竹炸伤右眼。当时右眼怕光、流泪、疼痛、视物不清。次日曾肌注青霉素,局部点眼药水。第3天来院治疗。眼部检查:右眼视力光感,光定位不确,眼睑痉挛、肿胀,结膜水肿,混合性充血,角膜9点处有一斜向12点处之角膜裂口,长约4mm,有虹膜嵌顿,前房稍浅,有少许脓液,瞳孔区大部分为脓液所复盖,眼球轻度突出,向各方向运动稍受限。眼压指压正常,明显压痛。结膜囊分泌物细菌培养阴性。左眼正常。诊断:右眼角膜穿通伤,虹膜脱出。全眼球脓炎。
Bear × Bin male 7 years old student hospitalization 67016 February 2, 1982 admission. 3 days ago by the firecrackers injured right eye. Right eyes were afraid of light, tears, pain, blurred vision. The next day had muscle injection of penicillin, local eye drops. Day 3 to hospital treatment. Eye examination: right eye vision light perception, light positioning is not accurate, blepharospasm, swelling, conjunctival edema, mixed congestion, corneal 9:00 at a diagonal corneal rips at 12 o’clock, about 4mm, iris incarcerated, Slightly pale anterior chamber, a small amount of pus, most of the pupil area is covered by pus, slightly prominent eye, slightly restricted movement in all directions. IOP normal pressure, obviously tenderness. Conjunctival secretions bacterial culture negative. Left eye is normal. Diagnosis: corneal penetrating injury, iris prolapse. Erythema whole eye.