201 1年是实施“十二五”规划的开局之年,是南方电网公司落实中长期发展战略、云南省实施“两强一堡”建设的重要时期,是云南电网公司发展历程中重要的战略之年、管理之年、变革之年。曲靖供电局将紧紧抓住这个重要战略机遇期,精心谋划,理清思路,明确目标,扎实工作,稳步推进一体化、规范化管理,努力推动各项工作再上新
The year 2011 is the first year to implement the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, an important period for the implementation of mid- and long-term development strategy by China Southern Power Grid Corporation and the implementation of “Two Strongholds and One Fortification” in Yunnan Province and the development course of Yunnan Power Grid Company An important strategic year, the year of management and the year of change. Qujing Power Supply Bureau will firmly grasp this important strategic period of opportunity, carefully plan, clarify ideas, clear objectives, solid work, steadily promote the integration and standardization of management, and strive to promote the work of the new