无心畸形(acardius)是一种以无心脏为特征的胎儿畸形,临床上较为罕见,文献报道发生率为妊娠总数的1/35000,占单卵双胎的1%,再发风险约为1/10000~([1])。多为双胎之一无心畸形,而另一胎正常或合并其他部位的畸形。无心畸形胎儿常合并胸部以上部位发育异常,最常见的是合并无头畸形,称无心无头畸形。本院2015年共发现2例双胎妊娠中一胎无头无心畸形。1临床资料病例1:患者,25岁,孕1产0,平素月经规则,5~7/28 d。末次月经2015年4月15日,预产期2016年1月22日。孕期未行正规产检。2015年8月9日外院超声提示:宫内妊娠,
Acardius is a cardiac abnormality characterized by fetal deformity, is relatively rare in clinic, the incidence of reported in the literature for the total number of pregnancy 1/35000, accounting for 1% of monozygotic twins, the risk of recurrence is about 1 / 10000 ~ ([1]). Mostly one of the twin unadjusted, and the other normal or other parts of the deformity. Unrelated fetuses often associated with fetal development above the chest abnormalities, the most common is the merger without head deformity, said involuntary head deformity. In 2015, a total of 2 cases of one-child head numbness without congenital malformations were found in our hospital. 1 Clinical data Case 1: patients, 25 years old, 1 pregnant and 0, usually menstrual rules, 5 ~ 7/28 d. The last menstruation April 15, 2015, the expected date of January 22, 2016. Pregnancy did not formal inspection. August 9, 2015 Outside the hospital ultrasound tips: intrauterine pregnancy,