
来源 :国际儒学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kkrriikk
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荀子的伦理思想有自身的特点,其与孔子和孟子的伦理思想有所区别,这主要表现在其更注重大众伦理而非仅仅是精英道德。这样一种特点和区别反映在荀子伦理学说的一系列核心概念上,这包括: “礼”、“性恶”、 “群”、“分”、“伪”、“习”、“化”、“法”等等,以及对于 “义利”、“君子小人”问题的理解上。其中,荀子之“礼” 与孔孟之“仁”两个主打概念的不同显示了大众伦理与精英道德之间的分野;“性恶”说是大众伦理学说的生物学论证;“群分”说是大众伦理学说的社会学论证;“伪”或 “礼义”理论构成了大众伦理的核心内容和基本定位;通过 “化(教育)”提供实现伦理的教育途径;通过“法(法律)”提供实现伦理的法律保障;此外,在“义利”、“君子小人”问题上荀子也提出了更符合大众而非精英的看法。可以这样讲,荀子至少在理论上实现了由精英道德向大众伦理的转换,这正是荀子伦理思想的意义或价值所在。 Xunzi’s ethical thoughts have their own characteristics, which are different from Confucius and Mencius’s ethics. This is mainly manifested in that they pay more attention to the mass ethics rather than just elite morality. Such a feature and difference is reflected in a series of core concepts of Xunzi’s ethics, which include: “ceremony”, “sexual evil”, “group”, “sub”, “pseudo” “,” “” “” “” “Law ” and so on, as well as the understanding of the issue of “justice benefit ”, “gentleman little man ”. Among them, the difference between the two main concepts of “courtesy” of Xunzi and “benevolence” of Confucius and Mencius shows the distinction between popular ethics and elite morality. “Sexual evil” is the biology of mass ethics The theory of “faction” or “etiquette” constitutes the core content and the basic orientation of public ethics; through the “education” “Provide legal education to realize ethics; provide legal guarantee of realizing ethics through” law “; in addition, Xunzi proposed more in line with the general public on the issue of” justice and benefit “,” gentleman and villain " Not the elite’s opinion. It can be said that Xunzi has at least theoretically realized the transformation from elite morality to public ethics, which is exactly the significance or value of Xunzi’s ethical thought.
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