从古至今.很多有识之士用不同的方式记录了城市的变迁.为后人留下了过往时空中城市的轮廓。郑州,这个被称为火车拉来的城市.像一个大的中转站.集合与快速的流通成为它发展的必要条件。中原人正以他们的热情包容汇集来此地的人、物和信息.他们不必高喊有多么光辉悠久的历史传统和博大厚重的文化积淀.因为这一切已经渗透在当地人的血液里.熟悉到连自己都快淡忘了。那么.当代的郑州人.在国际化都市潮流的影响下.他们正在做什么.想什么? a+a正是针对这一问题采访了郑州生活的人们.他们的生活影像反射着这个城市的状态.他们为这个城市的飞跃发展感到欣慰的同时也在反思城市现象中存在的缺憾与问题.希望能在新旧替换中找到一个平衡点。
Since ancient times, many people of insight have recorded the changes of the city in different ways, leaving the posterity with the silhouette of an air city in the past. Zhengzhou, known as the city where the train was pulled in. Like a big transit station, the gathering and rapid circulation became a necessary condition for its development. The Central Plains are embracing, with their passion, the people, things and information that come here, they do not have to shout how long the glorious history and broad cultural heritage, because all this has infiltrated the blood of the locals. Even forget their own almost forgotten. So contemporary Zhengzhou people, under the influence of the international urban trend, what they are doing.What are you thinking? A + a It is exactly the people who interviewed Zhengzhou on this issue.The images of their life reflect the state of this city Pleased by the rapid development of the city, they also reflect on the shortcomings and problems existing in urban phenomena, hoping to find a balance between old and new alternatives.